
Pielisen Retki
Porokylänkatu 23, 75530 Nurmes
phone. +358 44 377 9334


We want to provide our customers with unforgettable hiking experiences in the rugged forested hill landscapes of Pielinen Karelia. Our hiking philosophy is based on moving in the nature using your own muscular strength. Therefore, we guarantee that our beautiful nature remains as pure as possible. We also want to enable pure and beautiful nature for the future generations.

In the proximity of Nurmes you can locate the national parks of Koli, Tiilikka and Hiidenportti. In addition, on the area there are countless nature attractions worth visiting. Contact us and we will guide You through the beautiful nature of the nearby environment.

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"Nature doesn't struggle to get through life and you don't have to either."

"The human being has the ultimate urge to be in the nature, and to be one with the nature."