Toni Helander

Fishing guide and chef
With over ten years of experience in food Toni has the cooking responsibilities in our activity. Toni has gathered work experience from Restaurant Elite and Lasipalatsi in Helsinki as well as from Hullu Poro and Hotel K5 in Levi, among other places. In addition, Toni has been in charge of two Break Sokos Hotel Bomba restaurants in Nurmes for a year.
Toni has been an avid fisherman since a kid and in 2017 decided to make himself a living out of it.
Photo: Eero Jääskeläinen/Valovoima
Hanna Jänönen

Wilderness guide, program activities organiser and trained masseuse
With strong experience on various customer service duties, Hanna's area of responsibility in our activity is hiking. She has worked as a safari guide at the Husky yard of the Lapland Safaris in Muonio and at a reindeer farm in Luosto.
Hanna's passions are animals and nature.